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Millionaires Unveiled

Aug 29, 2022

Jermaine has a current net worth of $1.7M. He has a majority in the market in various tax advantaged accounts and a paid for house. He drives a Tesla and is a Civil Engineer and his wife is a Elementary School Teacher. He bought his first house at 25. He feels he has made every mistake in the books and still turned...

Aug 22, 2022

Grace has a current net worth of $1.7M. Of the $1.7M, 500k is in home equity and the rest is spread across all sorts of assets. She used to work for the goverment, but currently stays home with her children. She is the money nerd of the family and shares details on how she and her husband navigate their finances. 

Aug 15, 2022

Tim has a current net worth of 3.8M. Of the 3.8M, 1.3M is in home equity, ~600K in a brokerage account, 100K in cash, 350K in college savings accounts, He reached his first million in 11 years, and his second million just five years later. Tim works in software sales and shares details about his career, annual income,...

Aug 8, 2022

Mark has a net worth of $10M, of which $2.5M is in a pension. Of the remaining $7.5M, about 3M+ is invested in the stock market, 2M+ in retirement (in stock market as well) and 2M+ in home equity. Mark holds no rental real estate. Mark hit his first million at age 50 and hit his second million just four years later. We...

Aug 1, 2022

Jennifer has net worth of 100 million dollars. We discuss her background (grew up poor) and journey to her current situation. She shares her asset portfolio which includes stocks, real estate, private equity, hedge funds, a car wash and laundromat, small business, and more. Jennifer also talks about managing her...