Mar 25, 2019
This interview features Allison, a nurse with a net worth of $1.7M. Her husband also works as an engineer. Together they have eight single family rentals, half of which are paid off; the rentals cash flow about $50K annually. They hold about one $1M in equity investments and nearly $700K in real estate. Allison...
Mar 18, 2019
Today's guest interview features Robert Kiyosaki, the famous author of "Rich Dad Poor Dad." Robert discusses his investing mindset, the importance of continuing education, and the game of getting rich. He also unveils the assets in which he invests, and his view on debt. He shares what it takes to be successful and...
Mar 11, 2019
Steve is 31 years old with a current net worth of 500K. He has 100K in home equity, 100K in the Vanguard index fund, VTSAX, 230K in retirement accounts, and about 40K total in educations savings accounts, cash, and a 529 plan. He and his wife (school teacher) have one child and spend about 50K per year; they currently...
Mar 4, 2019
Taylor is a financial adviser and small business investor. He has opened/invested in an insurance company, consulting practice, and a healthcare provider. He discusses his portfolio allocation including the criteria used to invest in small businesses; he doesn't own any index or mutual funds. He also provides...