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Millionaires Unveiled

Feb 22, 2021

Travis has a net worth of $2.7 million, of which $1.6 million is in real estate equity. He currently owns about 20 units which generate about 10K of monthly cash flow. He's 40 years old, and also holds about 550K in his 401(k). Travis shares his thinking on why tracking and building cash flow is more important than just...

Feb 15, 2021

Caleb has a current net worth of over eight million dollars. He has about 800K liquid in primarily cash and the remainder in his small business (7.6MM) of which he owns 100%. He has no stock market or real estate investments and has chosen to put most all of his net worth into his business. Caleb is passionate about...

Feb 8, 2021

Max has a current net worth of 1MM and owns a gas station as well as a couple rental properties. He grew up poor in India and came to the United States as a teenager. He then went to different schools in the states while working as a hotel manager. When the hotel unexpectedly closed, Max was without a job and without...

Feb 1, 2021

Joel is an electrical engineer/software engineer and has a net worth of over 500K. We unveil his asset allocation and discuss rebalancing a stock portfolio (he recommends doing it quarterly or annually), maxing out retirement early/front loading the work, and his experience using a financial advisor. Joe shares his...