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Millionaires Unveiled

Jun 28, 2021

Jay has a net worth of 1.8M. He and his wife both have government jobs working for the department of defense. He saves 50% of his gross income and lives off of 20% of his gross income. He attended the Air Force and discussed the importance of marrying the right person. Jay also shares thoughts on risk tolerance,...

Jun 21, 2021

Jeff, the wealthy custodian, has worked at the same school district for over 30 years. His max salary was 47K, and he has a net worth of over 1M which excludes his pension of over several hundred thousand. He is 55 years old and discusses all things portfolio allocation, the value of one's time, and the joy of simple...

Jun 14, 2021

Brian and Amy have a current net worth of just over 450K. They spend about 30K annually and have a combined income of 170K. They discuss their money conversations prior to marriage, paying off student loans, and how they both started investing. Brian and Amy share general advice and mistakes which includes starting...

Jun 7, 2021

Jonathan has a current net worth of 2.2 Million. He is 40 years old and spends 175K annually. He reached his first million at the age of 37. He invests only in real estate, nothing in the stock market, because he wants to invest in what he can control. In real estate, he prefers mobile home parks. Jonathan shares great...

Jun 1, 2021

Robert is 28 years old and has a current net worth of 1.2M. Of the 1.2M, 850K is in taxable accounts invested in various stock holdings; he also has a few rental properties. Robert graduated dentistry school with hefty student loans but immediately bought a practice from a retiring dentist. He has worked hard to run...