Dec 27, 2022
Brian is in his late 30’s with 3 kids. He is in Sales after orgininally becoming a Chiropractor. He has a net worth of $1.3 million with 470k in retirement, 350k in real estastate, 180k in primary residence, 20k in some 529’s, just shy of 200k in a brokerage and some cash.
Dec 19, 2022
Ann is in her mid 50’s. Her net worth is $3.6 million. She is single and an engineer. She has 350k in a primary residence that is paid for, a 401k with 153k, $3.1 mil in a brokerage with 45% in IRAs, 12k HSA, the rest in cash. We have a phenomenal conversation with Ann about her career and how to navigate in it in a...
Dec 12, 2022
David is a music store owner and has a net worth of $2.8 million. 270k cash, 20k in investments, 520k primary residence, 70k rental, 230k retirement, $1.6 million in the business. He grew up in a low to middle class home and never learned to handle money. He thought if he could afford payments, he could buy it.
Dec 5, 2022
Paul lives in the northeast and is 40. He has a net worth of $1.4 million. 825k in 401k, Brokerage Account around 200k, Roth IRA 180k, HSA 8k, Crypto 5k, 100k Home Equity and 75k cash. We discuss his journey from losing his job to changing his frame of mind around employment and advocating for himself.
Nov 28, 2022
Jon has a current net worth of $2.0+ million. He is in his early 40's and is a former corporate executive turned Franchise Investor and Consultant. We discuss making a career switch and why he likes non-food franchises. We also get into the mindset around taking out a mortgage after having a paid off house and donor...