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Millionaires Unveiled

Aug 28, 2023

Martin has a current net worth of $1.0 Million. He is in his mid 30's and married but no kids. He is a former engineer who recently left his job to retire and pursue entrepreneurial endeavors. Most of his net worth is in real estate, but he does have some in the market as well. He grew up poor and went through a major...

Aug 21, 2023

Dr. Latifat is in her late 30's. Her net worth is $2.0 Million split between real estate and various investments in the stock market. Currently she and her family are on a sabbatical. She is a GI Doctor.

Aug 14, 2023

Jeremy has a current net worth of $1.7 million. 80% is in real estate among several units and the other 20% is in the stock market. Jeremy started as a financial analyst but transitioned to real estate full time pretty quickly and even became a licensed real estate agent. He is 29 years old and has house hacked his...

Aug 7, 2023

Matt has a current net worth of $3.1 million. About 1/3 is in real estate, 1/3 in tax advantaged retirement accounts and 1/3 in a brokerage. Matt is in the Navy and is in his late 30's. We discuss his 3 major goals related to his financial life, his journey to learning about finances and receiving an inheritance.